Balance Bikes
About Balance Bikes
Balance bikes are industry-leading training bikes that help toddlers and children of all abilities and as young as 18 months learn to ride on two wheels. Balance bikes focus on the fundamentals of balancing, leaning, and steering without the distractions and complications of pedals or training wheels. A balance bike's simple, no-pedal design builds confidence and eliminates fear by allowing kids to have their feet on the ground and progress at their own pace. This unique design teaches young children balance on two wheels right from the start, avoiding developmental delays possible with tricycles and training-wheel bikes.
- Self Esteem - Builds confidence and teaches kids about setting and reaching goals.
- Physical Fitness - Develops strong minds and bodies.
- Discipline - Helps kids to focus energy in a positive direction.
Balance Bike membership -for the young toddler rider
- Official membership card.
- For use with no pedal / balance bikes.
- No points awarded.
The fee for the license is $40.00 annually but may be converted to a full license if the rider progress during the year to main track racing for an additional fee.