SPECTATOR/PARENT REMINDERS: For the safety of everyone, please be aware of the following Track Rules. We will be enforcing these rules for all of our events.
Track infield: No parents/spectators on the track infield except designated track volunteers working the event or one parent assisting their strider during practice time and racing.
Gate area: Absolutely no spectators/parents/lingering riders in the gate area. Exception is for those parents who have a rider 5 and under and you are assisting them in the gate. Once the gate has dropped, kindly leave the gate area and exit the track.
Staging area: please read BMX Canada rules about this on attached poster. The less parents in the Staging area, the better as it gets congested. You may accompany them into Staging area but not up in the gate (unless 5 yrs and under).
Please remember we are all volunteers striving to put on the best event/race/practice possible in the safest environment for everyone. We appreciate you familiarizing yourself with the track rules and abiding by them.